Taming The Vistas

  • Artist Name


  • Media

    Video Installation

  • Size/Duration

    Dimensions Variable

  • Year


The artificial intelligence automated image recognition systems widely applied in various everyday scenarios today are actually the result of extensive human effort, involving the repetitive “labeling” of a vast amount of image data, followed by machine learning training. During the “labeling” process, the dynamic tapestry of life is dissected into segmented images that can be read by machines. Through this, the machine’s eye acquires a deceptive ability to deconstruct and imbue the semblance of the world with meaning.

This work is an art experiment based on computer image recognition technology. The artist subjectively labels everyday landscapes with “emotional” tags using data annotation software and generates visual reports to challenge the machine’s “justice.” This project aims to provide the audience with an opportunity to contemplate whether the machine’s eye represents true insight or merely an illusion.

Media Artist /Researcher


Tama Art University(Tokyo,Japan)MA/Ph.D

Recent research and practices mainly based on topics concern with Internet archives and machine vision. Discussing issues related to image production, labor consumption and female identity in the context of the Internet economy and neoliberal economy. Re-modeling reality and fifiction in the age of accelerated consumerism, platform art, and non-human landscape. Work has been showed in YCC Yokohama (JP), 3331 Chiyoda Art Centre (JP), Honggah Museum (Taiwan), Time Museum (Chengdu), Power Station of Art (Shanghai), and other galleries and institutions; Parcitipated in RE:search Kyoto Artist in Residency Program (2020-202, Kyoto,Japan), Atami Art Grant 2023 (Atami, Japan)selected.