• Director Name

    Dirk Koy

  • Duration


  • Year


The title is derived from the verb to intersect, which means to cut through, divide but at the same time also to converge and cross.

The film “Intersect” is a visual investigation of the interface of the real and virtual world in 5 chapters. Digital interventions are made in natural surfaces.


Dirk Koy

Dirk Koy is an artist and filmmaker. He digitally manipulated photographs and video recordings of places, objects and living beings. His interest centers on the encounter and transition between the natural and the digital environment and he is in search of the painterly component in the digital context.

His works have been shown at the Art Center Nabi in Seoul, at the HEK (Haus der elektronischen Künste) Basel, at the festival Supernova in Denver or at the FILE Festival in São Paulo. He was awarded prizes such as the Prix Ars Electronica (2012), the Visual Music Awards (2015), the Basel Media Art Prize (2019) and the Prix du film «Off-Limits» (Annecy, 2022) for his animations and videos.


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