guest curator
Hsiang-Yun Huang

B.A. Philosophy (National Taiwan University), M.A. Media: Film and Photographic Studies (Leiden University). Hsiang-Yun’s research focuses on philosophy of time in the cinema of long take, post-colonial historiography, sociology of internet art and net art. Her articles have been published in Taipei Digital Art Center, Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab and Cloud Art Critiques (supported by National Culture and Arts Foundation). Besides research, she also directs performance films that are inspired by her poetry dealing with the vulnerability of human existence and the circularity of time.
Professional Experiences
2022 | Director, When the Party is About to End, performance film, choreography conceived in collaboration with
Li Shiou Fen and Life Holds No More Dance Collective, screened at Cinedance Festival, Eye Museum, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
2022 | Selected participant, Spectrum Curatorship Program, IMPAKT, Utrecht, the Netherlands.
2018-2022 | Art critic and founder, Platform Cloud Art Critiques, supported by National Culture and Arts Foundation, Taiwan.
2021 | Co-curator (with Daniela Ruiz Moreno), Embodied Interface, Taiwan/Argentina/Slovenia/the Netherlands/Japan.
2020 | Curator and co-creator (with Chen Jhen, Mark Liang and Iris Chun-Tzu Chang), Uchronia (Web-Art), exhibited at F Studio Gallery and That Alright Art Space, Taipei, Taiwan.
2020 | Director, Narrow Gate, performance film, screened in the Museum of Contemporary Art Belgrade (MoCA) and at the Venice International Performance Art Week curated by the artistic duo VestAndPage as part of the Performance Art Program conceived by Marta Jovanović, Belgrade, Serbia.