The Absence of the Specimens
Pou-Ching TSAI (Taiwan)
Art Mediums
Video Installation
Prof. Tseng invited a spirit medium to examine the human bone specimens kept by him in his office ten years ago. Through the communications conducted by the medium, Prof. Tseng was surprised to find out that the human bones were the remains of the victims in the Tapani incident. The human bones went from objects in a museum exhibition to property of the university before Prof. Tseng eventually managed to return them to their homes. There was not any columbarium in Yujing at the time. So Prof. Tseng rested them in the columbarium in Nanhua (facing Yujing). Ten years later, the artist invited this spirit medium again to communicate with the human bone specimens from the same museum, hoping to re-trace what the deceased had been through and the destined relationships inexplicable by science.
Pou-Ching TSAI

Pou-Ching’s works have won first prize of the Kaohsiung Awards. The artist’s works have been exhibited in Taoyuan Children’s Art Center, Chiayi Art Museum, Museum OF Contemporary Art Busan. Pou-Ching mostly works with image and installation, his practice often provokes common ideologies within imagination among desire, gender and social structure issues. Pou-Ching cleverly makes up playful yet fragmented information with knowledge systems and symbols, leading the audience to re-examine their blind faith in the knowledge system and science methodology in the process of watching.