Artist Co-creation Workshop

Date & Time: 10/26 (SAT.) 13:00-16:00 (GMT+8), 10/27 (SUN.) 13:00-16:00 (GMT+8)
Location: Education Space, 2nd floor of C-LAB Art Space V (No. 177, Section 1, Jianguo South Road, Daan District, Taipei City)
Lecturers (for further information please see below): Chen-Yu Chen (Participating Artist) , Jon Cates (Artist)
Students: Students from Institute of Applied Arts NYCU
*Registration is not open to the public. Audiences can go to the exhibition to view the work from the workshop.

The public events of this year’s Taipei Digital Art Festival “Island of Chimera” are executed by “Coevolution Research Assembly”. This time, the “Artist Co-Creation Workshop” is jointly launched with the Institute of Applied Arts NYCU. ”, invited participating artist Chen-Yu Chen and American artist Jon Cates to co-instruct, leading the students to shape and assemble materials, images and sounds from clay to code, from plaster to pixels. In the end, the collective will complete a digital installation work and display it at the Taipei Digital Art Festival.



Chen-Yu Chen
Chen-Yu Chen now lives and works in Taipei. His works look into the landscapes under the construction of digital industrialization and globalization of Capital, and the inter-activities between humans, commodities, and image. Working with moving images, objects, and installations, his practice often juxtaposes various media and examines how beliefs, desires, and anxieties are materially distributed in social production. His works, on the one hand, depict the phenomena created by re/production, consumption, and extraction, on the other hand, explore the interpenetrative relationship and boundary between humans, objects, and the environment. He has participated in residency programs at Jan van Eyck Academie, the European Ceramic Work Centre, the Watermill Center in New York, and Geumcheon Art Space in Seoul.His works were exhibited in the Taipei Arts Award, Hong Kong Art Center, Ashkal Alwan Beruit, Seoul Art Space Geumcheon, Kasseler Dokfest, Denver Film Festival, and Lisbon International Film Festival.
Jon Cates
Jon Cates is a founding artist in the field of “Glitch Art”. From Ars Electronica Festival in Linz to the Museum of Moving Image and the New York art organization Rhizome, Cates has extensive curatorial and exhibition experience in digital markets around the world. Cates served on the faculty of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. And established the required new media courses in the college.
7-9PM, 2 November - Dream of Kandinsky....... see you on the Future Square in C-LAB