Theme Exhibition Artist Talk

Venue|National Science Education Center
Date and Time|11/04(Sat.)14:00-16:00

Host/ Curator of Theme Exhibition

Chia-Lin LEE

Chia-Lin LEE graduated from the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University, and the Institute of Contemporary Art & Social Thoughts, China Academy of Art. She is now pursuing a Ph.D. in Fine Arts at Taipei National University of the Arts. Her research focuses on the culture, media and art developed and created in the digital era. As the founder of ZIMU CULTURE, Lee also works on curatorial projects and publishes books.

Curatorial Experience

  • 2023 Sensation (Remix), Luodong Cultural Working House, Yilan, Curator
  • 2022 Request for Commons: What Does It Mean to Be Connected?, NTUA ART VILLAGE, Taipei, Curator
  • 2022 *BONK*, Digital Art Center Taipei, Taipei, Curator
  • 2021 Ching-Yuan HSU Model House Project, NTUA OUR MUSEUM – Greater Taipei Biennial of Contemporary Arts, Taipei, Project Manager
  • 2020 Allegories of Ocean——Ching-Yuan HSU Solo Exhibition, Debt Space, Kaohsiung, Curator
  • 2019 COMMON FUSION: MFA Graduation Exhibition of SIMA, XianShan Art Commune, Curatorial Team
  • 2018 From/To: The Frontier of Chinese Art Education, San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, Curatorial Team

Larry Achiampong & David Blandy

In Larry Achiampong (b. 1984) and David Blandy’s (b. 1976) collaborative practice, they share an interest in popular culture and the post-colonial position. They examine communal and personal heritage and wider issues of empathy, race and power, through film, performance, and socially engaged practice. 

Larry Achiampong and David Blandy’s work was informed by the research of Dr. Antonio Marco from the School of Life Sciences, University of Essex; and Dr. Santiago Oliveros previously from Department of Economics at the University of Essex, now at the University of Bristol.