A-Real Engine

Venue|Digital Art Center, Taipei
Date and time|10/28 (Sat.) 14:00-16:00

On one hand, the exhibition theme “A-Real Engine” alludes to video games as an engine full of energy that keeps driving the development of digital culture. In the common formats of contemporary arts, such as kinetic installations, network art, technology art, encrypted art, and other creations in different aspects, such corresponding technological driving force can always be identified. Certainly, computer games are also included; they can even be evolved into creations like machinima.Computer-game-related software and hardware technologies, design mindset, and contents generated by users have all injected a stream of freshwater into artistic creations. On the other hand, the privative prefix, “A-“, of “A-Real” refers to an explicit rejection of the distinctions between real/unreal, online/offline, and virtual/real. It is most probable that such a distinction may be invalid and has never been applied. In fact, games are a kind of reality.

Host/ Curator of Theme Exhibition

Chia-Lin LEE

Chia-Lin LEE graduated from the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures, National Taiwan University, and the Institute of Contemporary Art & Social Thoughts, China Academy of Art. Her research and artistic practice focus on culture research, media theory, and art development in the digital era. As the founder of ZIMU CULTURE, Lee also works on curatorial projects and publishes books.

Curatorial Experience

  • 2023 Sensation (Remix), Luodong Cultural Working House, Yilan, Curator
  • 2022 Request for Commons: What Does It Mean to Be Connected?, NTUA ART VILLAGE, Taipei, Curator
  • 2022 *BONK*, Digital Art Center Taipei, Taipei, Curator
  • 2021 Ching-Yuan HSU Model House Project, NTUA OUR MUSEUM – Greater Taipei Biennial of Contemporary Arts, Taipei, Project Manager
  • 2020 Allegories of Ocean——Ching-Yuan HSU Solo Exhibition, Debt Space, Kaohsiung, Curator
  • 2019 COMMON FUSION: MFA Graduation Exhibition of SIMA, XianShan Art Commune, Curatorial Team
  • 2018 From/To: The Frontier of Chinese Art Education, San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, Curatorial Team

Jing YANG (Allison)

Jing YANG(Allison) loves playing games and making them too. She works as a curator, designer, and writer, focusing on humanistic game design and game literacy. Recently, she worked with DSL Collection designing and producing an art destruction game, Forgetter, curated an exhibition about game production in China in Tank Art Shanghai, cooperated with Goethe Institut Hong Kong on the game space community project Game Kitchen, and organized Game Atlas seminars and exhibitions with Goethe Institut Hong Kong & M+ Museum. She frequently writes and edits articles on game and gaming as the chief editor of Game On, a channel in Initium Media. She is also pursuing her doctorate degree in the School of Creative Media in the City University of Hong Kong, with “Games as An Alternative Form of Museum” as her research focus.