From Gaming Industry and Gaming Engine: An Observation on The Metaverse Trend

Venue|Digital Art Center, Taipei
Date and time|10/21 (Sat.) 14:00-16:00

RPG, perhaps, is the earliest form to have modifiable content and give the games personalized features. Game players can change the names of the protagonists to achieve a more immersive playing experience. As technology advanced, personalized elements offered in various games also increased; there even are tradable personalized skins.

Metaverse, as a trending topic in recent years, appears to ebb and flow with the importance of geopolitics; however, with the breakthrough in game development such as unreal engine,where will the Metaverse be taken?


Ju-Chun KO

Ju-Chun KO is the Web3 Growth Consultant of Dentsu, an assistant professor in the Department of Interaction Design, National Taipei University of Technology, and the CEO of Chef GPT. He has won various awards from many Tech-Art Festivals and the K. T. Creativity Award. He graduated from National Taiwan University in 2012 with a Computer Science Ph. D. After that, he went to Keio University Graduate School of Media Design for Post-doc research. He is also the podcaster of the famous technology program, “Baobo Friends Say(寶博朋友說)“.


Jih-Hsuan, LIN Lin (Tammy)

Jih-Hsuan, LIN is a distinguished professor in the College of Communication at National Cheng Chi University. She also serves as the associate editor of the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, the director of the International Master’s Program in International Communication Studies (IMICS) of National Chengchi University, and chairperson of National Cheng Chi University IRB and Taiwan Academy for Information Society. In 2016, she got Taiwan’s very first HTC Vive; ever since then, she delved into researching the virtual reality realm. Her research interests focus on communication technologies, including virtual reality, digital games, and social media. She is also interested in human psychological well-being. Her research has been recognized by the Excellent Research Award and Outstanding Research Award,  Ministry of Science and Technology. In 2022, she was honored with the Meta VR/AR Policy Award.