※無邊庇護所 BORDERLESS SHELTER※西門紅樓 The Red House TUE-FRI: 11:00-18:00, SAT: 11:00-22:00, SUN: 11:00-21:30※臺北數位藝術中心Digital Art Center TUE-SUN: 11:00-18:30※線上展區Online Exhibition展期全面開放Open 24 Hours※

Interactive Webpage


Under the doom of the pandemic, individuals can only connect via the digital space and the Internet. With the massive messaging and video conferencing since the outbreak of COVID-19, we observed interpersonal communication would somewhat become distorted, blurred, and inauthentic through digital networks. People became accustomed to uploading themselves to an external memory device –the Internet. The Internet thus became a world that stores our souls presented in a near-permanent state in digital form. Countless information and souls from different times are stored in this infinite space and time. Beneath the blatant surface of the massive data, could there be soul-fragments left behind by inefficient digital transmission or wait to perish in this eternal void?

The work Realm of Ember constructed a lost world that only exists in digital space. The audience (viewer) will enter this lost world as a scavenger, finding the lost pieces of soul, collecting, and sending the pieces to the destructive conveyor belt. This shimmering lost world is the last chance for anyone to witness the remnants of time.