作品《食區者》以 VR 體驗為核心概念的作品結合頭戴式展示裝置,觀眾在 3D 掃描技術打造的空間中,會看到一些以相同技術創作、有著微妙樣貌的虛擬角色,同時,體驗者可使用操控器控制其中某個角色,做出該角色專屬的各種動作,透過結合體驗者生理屬性與虛擬場景,形塑體驗者及遊戲角色之間的「所屬關係」,讓使用者能夠體驗某種不確定的轉化存在。
Zone Eater is an experience-based VR work incorporating head-mounted displays. Appearing in a room created based on 3D scans are slightly weird looking characters that were made from 3D scans as well. The viewer uses a controller to operate one of those characters, and manipulate all sorts of actions related to that particular character. By combining notions of the player’s physical properties in a VR setting, and the “possessive” kind of relationship between the player and the game character, the game aims to transform the user’s own presence into something rather uncertain.
山內祥太 1992 年出生於日本岐阜縣,2016 年畢業於東京藝術大學的電影與新媒體學系,主修新媒體藝術,大學時鑽研雕塑及電影,近期創作則多運用真人實景電影描繪自身週遭的世界,這些影像創作也衍生出3D動畫及油性黏土雕塑創作,他曾參與多個國內外展覽,包含在波蘭波哥依霍夫中心、日本東京都國際藝術村、NTT電信中心、森美術館等。
Shota Yamauchi Born in Gifu, Japan in 1992. Graduated in 2016 from the Department of Film and New Media at Tokyo University of the Arts with a specialization in new media. Yamauchi studied sculpting and film during his university days, and more recently pursues portraying the world around him through live action films, the production of film works branching into 3DCG, and sculptures made from oil-based clay. Yamauchi has exhibited at Pokoyhof – EEC / Eco Expanded City, Tokyo Wonder Site Hongo, NTT InterCommunication Center, Mori Art Museum and other exhibitions.