Aleksandra Jovanić

Aleksandra Jovanić

Aleksandra Jovanić is an artist and programmer from Belgrade, Serbia. She holds a doctorate in Digital Arts and a BSc in Computer Science. In her research and artistic practice she combines various media, mainly in the field of interactive art, art games, and generative art.

Jovanić’s recent works focus on the aesthetics of data visualization and optical illusions, as well as explorations of accepted concepts of truth and reality. Her work has been exhibited internationally in exhibitions at Unit London, Feral File, Vellum LA, ArtBlocks, and ArtBasel.

As an associate professor, she currently teaches at all three levels of study, at the Faculty of Fine Arts in Belgrade, at master studies of the Faculty of Applied Arts, and at art doctoral studies at the University of Arts in Belgrade.






Latitudes is a series of infinite animations in which a number of long extruded shapes travel in set directions with only minimal deflections. On their journey, the shapes cross over one another while occasionally encountering loops, beams, and numbered asteroids. Where are they going? Who are they? Will their fall or race ever end? Where is the finish line?

[…] unwound in continuous, parallel, straight lines that mean nothing beyond themselves in their constant flow, never meeting, just as we never meet in our constant fall […]” – The Form of Space, Italo Calvino

The Space in Between




The positive and negative spaces are making a reference to life emerging through cracks in the concrete. The active area is a block of hand-painted gradient color and an undulating cluster of plant-like organisms.



media video


“Billowy bodies with celestial impressions heaping onto one another; spreading, shifting, drifting.” from A Meditation on the Endless Appeal of Clouds in Artby Charmaine Li

A peculiar connection between various latent states and billowing bodies is traced; between the figures we see in clouds and pseudo-random configurations we recognize as clouds.

Although algorithms in generative art lend themselves to creating an infinite variety of latent images, latent images are more commonly associated with film development in analog photography as an “invisible configuration of silver halide crystals on a piece of film after exposure to image-bearing focused light” — when the image has been exposed, but not yet revealed.

*DAFT x VolumDAO outdoor screening project

7-9PM, 2 November - Dream of Kandinsky....... see you on the Future Square in C-LAB