展間 / R204

魅塌域2.0Metaverse 2.0

  • 複合媒材裝置
  • 尺寸因空間而定
  • 2019年
  • Mixed Media Installation
  • Dimensions Variable
  • 2019


魅塌域(Metaverse)一詞是由meta與universe所組成,最早在1992年尼爾.史蒂芬森的科幻小說《雪崩》中,用來描述網際網路世界的後繼者,一個基於虛擬實境空間卻又與現實交融的「元資訊」世界,類似今日所謂的XR(VR, AR, MR)世界。《魅塌域2.0》經過第一階段十場的「末日物件工作坊」,集結了參與者所貢獻的個人物件與末日想像,創作者將3D掃描所得到的模型經過轉化後,擬造出結合眾人末日故事的《魅塌域2.0》末世景觀虛擬實境,邀請觀眾進入遊歷這個現世末日與未來遺跡。


The name “metaverse” is the combination of “meta” and “universe,” which was first coined by Neal Stephenson in his sci-fi novel, Snow Crash, published in 1992. It is used to describe a post-internet world that is a space of meta-information—a mixture of virtual space and reality similar to today’s XR, or cross reality (VR, AR, MR). Metaverse 2.0 is produced after ten sessions of “Doomsday Object Workshop” held in the first stage of the project and brings together personal objects and doomsday imagination contributed by the workshop participants. Transforming the models constructed with 3D scanning technology, the artist creates Metaverse 2.0, which simulates the virtual reality that features the doomsday landscape encompassing the participants’ doomsday narratives, inviting audiences to wander in this modern doomsday and the ruins of the future.



吳梓寧 1978 年生於高雄,國立臺南藝術大學藝術創作理論研究所博士,長期關注科技與身體議題的當代藝術創作及策展。其個人創作從早年帶有劇場性格與文學詩性的複合媒材空間裝置的具體詩,到近年來結合新媒體數位影音投映的互動與表演等,皆擅於透過展場佈局來進行作者、作品與觀者間的場面調度,並對生活與社會中的種種問題與關係,提出觀念性的作品提問。

2018 年開始投入「末日學校」的藝術計畫,透過作品《魅塌域》探究虛擬實境、擴增實境與混和實境的技術本質,結合 3D 掃描技術打造虛擬方舟,從考現學與文資保存的向度思考末日來臨的求存之道。


Wu Tzu-Ning was born in Kaohsiung in 1978. She holds a PhD in Art Creation and Theory from Tainan National University of the Arts. Her art practice revolves around contemporary art-making and curatorial endeavor featuring issues related to technology and body. Her early works resemble poems embodied by theatrical and literary spatial installations created with mixed media; and her recent works adopt the form of new media digital interactive projection and performance. Throughout her career, the artist excels in arranging the exhibition space to achieve the effect of mise-en-scène between creator, artwork and audience while posing conceptual questions regarding issues and relations about life and society through her works.

In 2018, the artist launched an art project, entitled Doomsday School. With her work Metaverse, she explores the technical essence of virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality, and incorporates 3D scanning technology to create a virtual ark that explores the thinking about modernology and the preservation of cultural assets as well as means of survival when doomsday arrives.